24. October 2018

mydocma SH – Data sharing with a system

mydocma SH is a sophisticated interface management system for smooth data transfer between different software systems.

Bike sharing, car sharing, home sharing,….- The fact that sharing is not only useful in the private sphere is also being increasingly recognised in the business world. One of the new trends is the sharing economy. According to the business magazine HORIZONT, more and more German companies are recognising data sharing as an important business model. The report is based on survey results from the consulting firm PwC, according to which two out of three medium-sized and large companies in Germany already engage in data sharing beyond their own company boundaries. The majority of the 200 participants surveyed attest to the future of this innovative approach: “Three out of four companies assume that the need to make their own data available to business partners will continue to increase in the coming years,” according to HORIZONT. edr software picked up on this development at an early stage and launched mydocma SH, a sophisticated universal interface management system for smooth data transfer between different software systems.

Data up to date

mydocma SH synchronises internal and external systems fully automatically and updates the required data, such as address, contract or project information, quickly and easily. As this eliminates the need for error-prone and time-consuming duplicate data entry, companies can work much more efficiently. Find out more about how it works and the many advantages of our practical application in our new video. Watch the film!

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We are looking forward to your inquiry.


Senior Sales Manager


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