
Project data
HVZ GmbH & Co. Objekt KG
Software used:
mydocma MM for defect management
Project description
The HVB Tower is an icon of futuristic architecture and has characterised Munich’s skyline since 1981. HENN was entrusted with the task of modernising the energy efficiency of the listed building and completely redesigning the interior. The particular challenge was to realise today’s requirements for an energy-efficient building envelope without changing the external appearance.
The unitised façade is now no longer single-skin but double-skin on the inside. The perforations required for the fresh air supply have been integrated into the reused façade elements in such a way that they are not visible from a distance. A smart-working concept developed by the client was utilised in the redesign of the offices, which combines different work and communication options. The access building was given a newly designed foyer. It provides views into several floors via a triangular air space. Thanks to the extensive energy modernisation of the façade, in which the architects consistently used ecological building materials and renewable energies, the HVB Tower has become a ‘green building’ with LEED Platinum certification.